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user:kempj [2015/06/24 12:45]
kempj added a photograph and link to leadership values
user:kempj [2015/08/26 17:17] (current)
kempj updated contact details
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 ====== James Kemp ====== ====== James Kemp ======
-James Kemp belongs to the [[ot:​org:​bda]]+James Kemp was a member of the [[ot:​org:​bda]] ​until 2nd September 2015. From Monday 7th September 2015 he is on loan to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. ​
-^ email | [[james.kemp@hmpo.gsi.gov.uk]] | {{:​user:​kempj.jpg?​200|}} | +^ email | **NB not for sensitive material** \\ [[james.kemp@culture.gov.uk]] ​\\ [[james@themself.org]] ​  | {{:​user:​kempj.jpg?​200|}} | 
-^ mobile | 07432 682142 ​  ​| ::: |+^ mobile | 07432 682142 ​(personal)  ​| ::: |
 ^ work pattern | compressed hours\\ (Mon/​Thu/​Fri ~10:​15-19:​15\\ Wednesday ~08:​15-19:​15 ) | ::: | ^ work pattern | compressed hours\\ (Mon/​Thu/​Fri ~10:​15-19:​15\\ Wednesday ~08:​15-19:​15 ) | ::: |
-My role in BDA is as one of the digital architects and I get involved in a wide range of things. ​I'm really a generalist and have worked in a whole load of different civil service jobs. You can find my [[http://​uk.linkedin.com/​pub/​james-kemp-mbcs/​23/​623/​a05|whole CV on linkedin]] if you are interested. ​+I'm really a generalist and have worked in a whole load of different civil service jobs. You can find my [[http://​uk.linkedin.com/​pub/​james-kemp-mbcs/​23/​623/​a05|whole CV on linkedin]] if you are interested. ​
 Here's my [[http://​www.themself.org/​2015/​03/​my-leadership-values/​|leadership story]]. Here's my [[http://​www.themself.org/​2015/​03/​my-leadership-values/​|leadership story]].
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