Design Profession Training and Development

Strategy & Change is committed to the ongoing training and development of all staff. This page contains information about the suggested training opportunities for staff within the Design Profession. It is organised into two parts: Core Skills training, applicable across the Profession, and Role-Specific Training.

If you are interested in taking a course which does not appear on this page, please contact your line manager to discuss what the training is and how it will benefit you in your role.

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70:20:10 Model for Learning and Development

When considering the training you want to complete, make use of the training paths curriculum to understand the available training that will most-benefit your role. As you choose which training courses will meet your development needs, be sure to bear in mind the 70:20:10 model for how we learn effectively - remember that learning and development is not just about formal training courses but it is about learning from others and putting it all into practice through projects and roles. Think about the end-to-end journey as you plan your learning and development with your line manager, and consider what you need to do to ensure successful application of formal training courses.

For more information about the successful consideration and implementation of the 70:20:10 model, read this report by DeakinPrime.

Core Skills Training

The training courses listed below have been identified as key to the Design Profession based on feedback received from the May 2016 Away Day. They are fundamental skills required for roles within the Design Profession and have been grouped into their logical categories.

Communication Skills

Developing Others

Digital Skills

Facilitation Skills

Influencing Skills

Managing and Leading

Negotiating Skills

Personal Effectiveness

Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills

Stakeholder Engagement

Writing Skills

Specialist Training

Business Analysis

User Researcher

Business Architect

Strategy Manager